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Yoga Teacher Mentorship

Imagine feeling incredibly confident each time you walk into a room to teach yoga, knowing your worth and being paid that, and positively impacting the lives of so many filled rooms with your teachings...


Unfortunately, Many teachers have shared with me that after completing a 200 hour training, this is not their experience. They said they feel thrown in the deep end, not ready to teach, and lost.

Many friends of mine did a training, taught a bit, took some time off.. and now feel the world of yoga has changed so much they don’t know how to dive back in.

This makes sense to me as there are sooo many certified yoga teachers out there today, and everything is constantly changing.


How do we get experience?

How do we market and use the internet?

How do we set ourselves apart?

How do we navigate the world of virtual yoga?  

Not only that but how do we advocate for quality pay, navigate to assist or not to assist and many other political yoga conversations being had in the world today??  


We do it together.

What it looks like...

The Yoga Teacher Mentorship Program is designed to help expand and improve your yoga teaching career through ongoing support. Yoga was always meant to be done this way, to continually study under a teacher and have their ongoing support. 

This program is perfect for those who completed a 200hr YTT and need extra support to; find their voice as a yoga teacher, craft more intentionally sequenced yoga classes, and inspire their students.

• Fine-tune your teaching style (type of class, personality, music, etc).

• Establish mindful hands-on assisting or refine verbal cues, and find your voice.

• Craft a weekly yoga sequence that makes sense for every body that walks into the room.

• Market and target to your specific audience.

• Learn how to balance your own personal practice/beliefs and teaching yoga in todays world.


Phone conversations / Sessions might look like…

• Consult about classroom management or yoga politics.

• Talk through what language to use in teaching (e.g. how to offer modifications for a particular student without slowing down or confusing the rest of the class)

• Ask for tips on teaching preparation, playlist creation, anatomy sequencing energy management, etc



+Initial consult and 60 minute meeting / coaching session….$125

(Early Bird Pricing of $100 for first 5 participants.)


++ 1 month of unlimited coaching for.. $300 

( Early Bird Pricing of $250 available for the first 5 participants.)

(includes weekly check ins, and continuous support via voice messaging or Marco Polo)


+++ Option to extend for $75 per additional month

($50 early bird pricing). 

Pricing an be adjusted on a sliding scale based on situation and needs. Reach out to create a program that works for you. 

Sign up 

To get started reach out today and let's talk about your goals and creating a program that works with your lifestyle and needs. 


let's be social!

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