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Come learn about natures elements and create patterning of muscles in your body to fire together in a way that is supportive on and off the matt. 

Each week we will be focusing on a specific elemental body awareness with physical throughlines, starting with Earth, and moving through fire, water, air and space. 

Noticing how you can utilize these elements in your practice with different breathing, oils, poses and muscle activations, to create balance in your practice and being. 

What is the difference between a Yoga Workshop and a Yoga class?


A yoga workshop is traditionally longer than a yoga class usually about 2 hours and gives us aditional time to dive deep into ideas or break down postures and play around with them. The class may not be as fluid as usually but the intention is to experience some break throughs that will change the way we practice in our normal classes

Explanation of the workshops...

Floating Workshop

This workshop is for those of you who have been practicing for some time now and are familiar with posture basics but looking to work on finding grace in transitions such as down dog floating to forward fold. We will work towards "finding the pause" physically and mentally and look at how we handle transitions on and off the mat.


Ashtanga Workshop

Full Ashtanga Primary Series. Must have prior yoga experience and understanding of sun salutation alignment. Challenging movement.


Yin & Meditation

This workshop will be an intro to Yin Yoga

and meditation. We will move through an explanation of what Yin yoga is while we target the joints rather than the muscles by slow long holds, paired with a meditative intent and ending with guided Buddhist meditations. All Levels are welcome. Minimal Movement.

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Chanting and Kirtan

It is said that sound can change every cell in our bodies. Joining together in sound and chanting a mantra is called a Kirtan. Coming together in focus of these songs of prayer makes the anchient Mantras even more powerful. We will sing them, feel them and learn them together changing our vibrations and putting new ones out into the universe. Minimal movement. All levels welcome. 

Yoga & The Elements

Ayurveda says we have 5 main elements present within us and around us at all times. Earth, Fire, Air, Water & Ether.  This workshop shows us how these elements show up in our yoga practcie through movements, breathwork, sound, emotions, mantra,  and oils. Once informed about these elements we can choose to tailor our yoga practice to be more healing for ourselves dependent upon the season and our natural constitution. We will move through a brief flow and meditation on each element to feel them in our bodies. 

All levels welcome. 


Arm Balancing 

This workshop will be focused on alignment and strength of the arms to carry our weight in arm balances. We will be breaking down and workshopping arm balance postures. 

Some yoga experience would be ideal.


Inversion Workshop 

Breaking Down True Light Yogas 4 main focuses of inverting we will get you upside down in this workshop! Using partner work, strength building exercises and visualization we will be getting the head below the heart. Lots of time to workshop and practice and tips for Headstand, Handstand, Forearmstand, Legs up the wall and Shoulder Stand. 

Hip Hop Yoga

Booty Poppin, Stretching, Breathing, Dancing, and Strengthening to your favorite Hip Hop Tunes. A great wau to let go of the fluctuations of the mind and have fun with your true authentic self in the moment. Let go of judgement. Come with an open mind and ready to have some fun! All Levels Welcome. 


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